
In their present form people have been knocking around this planet for something like 200,000 years and over that span of time many conclusions have about people have been made.

Such conclusions are by no means consistent or logical. Different cultures have arrived at their conclusions about people… Read the rest

Loss and gain

Though I moved to California in 1968 when I was nineteen and made it my home, in no small part I’m still a “New Yawkah.” Even so, I’m slowly losing New York.

I remember the unseasonably frigid October night when I decided to move to San Francisco; I was waiting for an A-Train at the 86th Street subway platform.… Read the rest

My dinner with Audré

“Good morning Audré,” I murmur, slipping out from under the covers. “Good morning, Larry,” Audré replies, “Do you want me to begin preparing your tea?” “Not yet, thanks,” I mutter, walking to the bathroom. “Lights dimmer please, Audré.” I blink as the illumination drops a notch or two.

My face looks … Read the rest